Xiang Bo


1.Research area: 

Intellectual Property Law, Civil Law, Law and Economics, Legal Logic



Xiang Bo, male, born in 1979. He is an Associate Professor and Master Supervisor at Nankai University School of Law. He has published nearly 20 academic papers in several journals such as Journal of Law, Intellectual Property, Economic Daily, etc. In 2017, he won the “Top Ten Outstanding Papers for Young Scholars” from the Intellectual Property Law Association of CLS. In 2018, he won the Second Prize of Tianjin Municipal Teaching Achievement Award as one of the finishers.

Before joining the NanKai faculty, Professor Xiang received his Bachelor's degree from Department of Biology and Chemistry at Minzu University of China and his L.L.M. and J.D. from School of Law at Renmin University of China from September 2003 to July 2011.

Professor Xiang serves as the Director of China Intellectual Property Law Research Association, Civil Law Branch of Tianjin Law Society and Tianjin Case Law Research Association. He is also the Legislative Advisory Expert of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal People's Congress.



E-mail: xiangbo@nankai.edu.cn