Li Ruiyi


Research Interests:

Comparative public law, Constitutional Law,

Hong Kong Basic Law, EU Law



Dr. Ruiyi Li joined the Nankai Law School in 2013, and was appointed associate professor in 2017.  She was a post-doctoral researcher in the School of Law at Tsinghua University from 2011-2013. She was awarded the Ph.D degree in Constitutional and Administrative Law by Renmin University in 2011, and the LL. M in EU Law by the University of Bristol in 2007.  From 2009 to 2010, she was a Research Associate at Balliol College, University of Oxford.  In 2012, she was invited to do research in the Comparative and Public Law Centre at the University of Hong Kong.  In 2014, she was visiting the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa. 


Selected Articles:

Ruiyi Li, How Should the Private Party be Bound by Public Law, Zhejiang Social Sciences: 4, 2021.  

Ruiyi Li, Dialogical Judicial Review: the Practice by the Courts of HKSAR and its Prospect, Contemporary Law Review: 6, 2017.

Ruiyi Li, The Initiating Factors of Making Preliminary Reference by HK Court of Final Appeal, Peking University Law Journal: 4, 2017.

Ruiyi Li, Regulation of Human Embryos in the UK, ECUPL Journal: 5, 2015.

Ruiyi Li, The Dispute over Article 45 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong and the Application of Interpretation Methods, Tsinghua Law Journal: 4, 2015.

Ruiyi Li, The Constitutional Review under the Parliamentary Sovereignty in the UK, The Jurist: 2, 2013.

Ruiyi Li, The Democratic Dialogue: A Democratic Form of Judicial Review, Law Review: 1, 2013.

Ruiyi Li, Case-law Adopted by China?, UK Constitutional Law Blog (26th January, 2012) (available at; and republished by Verfassungsblog (available at

Ruiyi Li, Study on Prisoner's Reproductive Rights, Law Review 162: 4, 2010.

Paul Craig, Ruiyi Li (translated), ‘Perspectives on process: common law, statutory and political’, in Ming’an Jiang (ed.) Administrative Law Review vol. 13, (Law Press China, 2010).

Ruiyi Li, Legislation on Reproductive Technology and the Protection of Procreation Rights, Judgments Studying and Analysis 45: 1, 2009.


Ruiyi Li, ‘The Constitutional Reform and the Establishment of the Supreme Court in the UK’, in Dayuan Han (ed.) The Constitutional Foundation of the Judiciary of China, (China Renmin University Press, 2013).  *This book has been selected for the China Philosophy and Social Science Series in 2012, for which it is awarded 150,000 RMB by the Chinese government to publish.

Ruiyi Li,‘The Influence of British Constitutional Theory on Chinese Constitutional Theory’, in Dayuan Han (ed.) Study of the History of Chinese Constitutional Theory, (China Renmin University Press, 2012).  *This book has been selected for the China Philosophy and Social Science Series in 2011, for which it is awarded 150,000 RMB by the Chinese government to publish.

Ruiyi Li, Ch.1 in Dayuan Han (ed.) Foreign Constitution, (China Renmin University Press, 3rd ed., 2009).


Tianjin Social Science Fund – The Public Law Accountability in PPP (Grant #ZX20160087), awarded in 2016, completed in 2021, presiding this project.

China Post-doctor Science Foundation –The 50th China Post-doctor Science Fund (Grant #2011M500276), awarded in 2011, completed in 2012, presiding this project.

The Supreme People ‘s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China –The Constitution and the System of Prosecution (Major Grant #GJ2011A041), awarded in 2011, completed in 2013, principal member of the research group.

National Social Science Fund –Establishing the Efficient, Fair, Authoritative Socialism Judicial System (Major Grant #32308010), awarded in 2008, completed in 2010, principal member of the research group.

National Social Science Fund –The History of Constitutional Theory of China (Grant # 07BFX071), awarded in 2007, completed in 2009, principal member of the research group.



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